Thursday, December 31, 2009
I hate when I get drunk and start speaking with an accent thats not mine
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
What does the inside of a polar bear's ass feel like?
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Montreal? Don't mind if I do
Were back! In the next installment of the Loose Tingles saga we find two thirds of the group heading to our neighbor to the north, more specifically Montreal, but not before stopping in my homeland of Vermont, also we winging the ride back. For 4 nights we will be let loose in the only providence in Canada thats stubborn and wants to speak French, but first our adventure at the Redskins game. After a hair splitting dash to the DC Metro we enjoyed a 30 minute ride with the most interesting characters the city has to offer. Upon our arrival to FedEx, with no tickets, Nate tells me of his uncle's tailgate spot that is the Mecca of all tailgating spots, being one that has to see in order to believe I doubt. The only tailgating I have ever done is at ECU games which I think is more like a circus. After arriving at FedEx field I still have to agree that ECU still takes the cake when it comes to tailgating. After tracking down Nate's uncles spot like trained hurters stalking a cheetah, we hit it the mother load of all tail gating spots. There must have been 100 people at this spot. Once we arrive we notice the friendly man handing out beer in the back of his truck. Not any beer mind you but such favorites as Sam Adams Winter Lager, Peroni, Becks, Dos Equis, Dog Fish Head, and many more lovely selections. After we grab two beers, one for each hand of course, we make our way over to the monstrous grills surrounding a buffet, and of course not any buffet mind you. We gorge ourselves on crab soup, italian sausages, wrapped sandwiches, needless to say were in tailgate heaven. Several beers later and tons of trips through the snow over the guard rail to relieve ourselves we get a call from Nate's mom, who just happened to stumble upon box seat tickets for us (can this night get any better?). Being the saint Ms. Bounds is she agrees to meet us at the metro stop we got off at. So after filling our pockets with Coronas for the road we head back. Some drunk sprints and pissing behind peoples houses later we make our way back to the station. Once we got their I noticed a problem I had beer, but no way of opening it. So I asked one of the kind metro employees if he had a bottle opener, he told me he did (and what a kind gentlemen he opened it for me too) but told me I couldnt drink it in there, this doesn't stop me. We grab the tickets and head back to the field. We get in and take our private elevator up to our suite right on the ten yard line. We are greeted with more free food, which we indulge in, and a witness the Redskins at their finest. We leave early (like everybody else) and catch the metro back to prepare for our travels to Vermont the next day. Next day we wake up at 7am and hit the road. An hour and a half in Nate's Audi completely shuts off and leaves us on the side of the road some where in Pennsylvania. After dealing with AAA's bullshit an hour and a half later a town truck shows up. The guy takes us into York, PA. After waiting for next to an eternity for the shop to look at our car, we found out we need a new alternator and battery, not to mention it won't be ready for 5 hours. So here we are now sitting in a horse race betting facility waiting, the people here are pretty seedy (I guess you have to be if your betting on horses at 2pm in the afternoon on a monday). So it can only go up from here! Next stop: we don't know yet.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wale's "Attention Deficit" and Julian Casablancas "Phrazes for the Young"


Sunday, November 8, 2009
Welcome to this groove
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Tour Completed

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Bay Area

^^where the Grateful Dead lived

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009
Steal Your Face

Thursday, August 6, 2009
boo boo its a picnic basket

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Badlands, SD
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Chi city don't stop

Friday, July 24, 2009
America, ya that sounds nice